Manage. Submit. Distribute.

Collate all your Candidate data and submit claims directly to Awarding Organisations

Distribute transparent, trusted and traceable certificates direct to your Candidates.

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Ensuring you know your workers are trained, safe to work and fully compliant.

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Calling all Training Providers in Renewable Energy related Certifications.

Transparent, trusted and traceable certificates issued to your Candidates

All Qualification types

From Sea Survival to First Aid everything can be handled with Biblio’s technology.

Our software is open to any qualification, their Awarding Organisations and all Training Providers. Provide a truly modern service to your Candidates while revolutionising your audit trail and verification process.

End to End Claims process management

Flexible and Secure

Empowering Awarding Organisations and Training Providers to seamlessly manage all of their qualification claims in one place.

Create, view and manage all the claims you either send as a Training Provider or receive as an Awarding Organisation. Remove the need for repeated manual data entry and vastly speed up your claims process.

Reduce carbon & cost output

Paperless is greener, & more cost effective.

Going digital doesn’t just make business sense, it’s greener and can reduce your business’ carbon footprint.

Who else can use Biblio?


View and manage qualification claims from every Training Provider you invite
Send claim audit requests direct to your Training Providers
Distribute verified qualifications to Training Providers/Candidates

HR Managers

Transparent, searchable CRM for your entire workforce
Early expiration notifications to optimise your training preparations